
Squirrels, unlike most wildlife, are not shy. This causes them to be extremely adaptable to many environments. Their high adaptability also means they are extremely skilled at finding the easiest and best sources for food and shelter.
Safety and shelter are the top motivations for squirrels to get into your attic. While they are innocent looking, squirrels are highly skilled and will find the easiest way to obtain food and shelter for themselves and their young.
Squirrels typically get into attics because they are dry, warm and high up. Attics are perfect for squirrels to avoid predators and store food. Some of the most common predators for squirrels are bobcats, coyotes and foxes, all of which would have an extremely hard time getting into an attic. If you find that your attic is being inhabited by squirrels, try to remember that they are only trying to do what is natural to them. Squirrels are most likely looking for a meal and a safe place to sleep at night which is why they stumble upon attics and other entry points into homes.
Despite their good intentions, it is still not ideal for squirrels to take residence in your attic. One reason is that squirrels love to chew. They have the potential to chew electrical wiring or insulation causing damage to your home. Another thing to note is that like most wildlife, squirrels carry pathogens and diseases that can be harmful to humans. Diseases like rabies, salmonellosis and typhus are known diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Squirrels are not innately harmful but should be removed humanely by professionals if possible.
If you find a squirrel in your attic it is most likely an adult female. Squirrels typically have babies twice a year and can have up to eight offspring. Female squirrels take advantage of the seclusion and safety of attics to nest and raise their young. Squirrels also choose attics to give birth, because of the warmer temperatures inside attics. Baby squirrels are born blind and dependent on their mother. The mother squirrel will take care of their young until they become fully independent which takes around three months. Attics are the perfect place for a mother squirrel to protect herself and her babies.
While squirrels are cute and innocent looking, it is no secret that they do not need to take residence in your home. There are 3 key signs you can look for that indicate squirrels may already be in your home noises, nests and droppings.
- Noises: Noises made by squirrels are primarily heard during daylight hours because squirrels are active during the day and sleep at night. Squirrels are significantly bigger than rats or mice, and therefore create a louder presence when moving about.
- Nests: Squirrels tend to build larger, shapeless nests out of a variety of materials, whereas rats and mice build smooth or rounded burrows.
- Droppings: Dropping color and shape can be a sure indicator of which rodents may be living in your home. Squirrel droppings have a brown or reddish tint and are rounded, while rat and mice droppings are dark brown or black with pointy edges.
Go Pro Wildlife Removal has experience and expertise in humane squirrel removal. If you feel that squirrels are taking residence in your attic, contact us on our website or give us a call at (334) 744-0391 for a free inspection.
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Contact Info
Service Areas: Contact Go Pro today! We offer wildlife removal solutions in Auburn, Opelika, Lake Martin, Valley, Montgomery, AL and Columbus, GA areas.
Phone: (334) 744-0391
Hours: Open 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
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